Wednesday, March 7, 2012


So since I was in high school I always said that I was going to get out of this town, but always there seems to be other plans laid out for me. In high school, I was so set on going to Concordia in Moorhead and being anywhere but here. After my second year at Concordia, I realized that I wasn't quite sure about what I was going into. So I decided to start the paper work to transfer back to Minot State. During the transfer period, I went and studied in Argentina for 6 months. While there I met some great people and had amazing adventures. I figured out that I wanted to be a Spanish teacher. I came back to Minot, changed my declared major and was finishing up to have a Spanish education degree.
Once again, I was set on leaving Minot after graduation. I looked for teaching jobs in throughout the state knowing I didn't want to be too far from home, but didn't have any luck. Then a teaching job opened up on Minot! I turned in my application, but kept looking around to other places. Three months went by and I hadn't had any luck. I was getting ready for an evening class when my phone rang. It was the principal of one of the high schools. I am friends with his daughters and had told one of them that I was looking for a Spanish teaching job. He asked me why I had not applied for the opening in Minot. I told him that I had months ago. So we set up an interview for the following day. When I arrived, it turned out that I had sent in my application so early they had put it in a different folder only to forget about it. After the interview, I was offered the position as the traveling foreign language teacher. I would be going to 3 different schools everyday.
Well it is the end of this first year of teaching and I have found that I really do enjoy it. Looking ahead towards next year I thought about going somewhere else in ND and have been looking for jobs. In Minot, looking at the numbers of foreign language students throughout the high school, they had gone down. I was told that I would probably be part time next year with my middle schools taken away. So I knew that I need to look else where for a job. I even thought about doing different service programs. I prayed and told God that He was in control of the situation and I would try not to be such a control freak. I told Him my desire was for a full time job teaching high school Spanish with no traveling.
After the principals had their meetings for next year they decided to move around the class sizes and a miracle happened....I was told I would be full time next year at the high school I am currently at teach the grades that I love. WITH NO TRAVELING! It was so awesome to see this all happen within the time of two weeks.
So I guess I am staying in Minot. AND I am more than okay with that. I love my job, my life, and my awesome and amazing God!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Times are Shifting

Well, life is something that I will never understand. Events will make me question what I have always believed. Meeting new people or remember those who have moved on will make me reflect on my life and think about what kind of difference I have made...if any at all. I am always making plans and dreams on how I'm going to go and change the world, but when it comes down to it I don't even know where to begin. I look at the world and see much need and have such a desire to help, but feel so unable to help those in need. I guess that's part of my fear. Not being able to, so why even try if I might not make it? BUT I have decided that it doesn't matter what I think. God has a plan for me and He knows what I am capable of doing. I am going to try and live a life without fear. I want to go after my dreams and try to help others accomplish theirs. It won't be easy to give up the life of just sitting back, but life won't be boring when I'm running after dreams. The times are shifting and I don't want to realize in 20 years that all I did was watch others. I want TO DO.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Body my house
my horse my hound
what will I do
when you are fallen

Where will I sleep
How will I ride
What will I hunt

Where can I go
without my mount
all eager and quick
How will I know
in thicket ahead
is danger or treasure
when Body my good
bright dog is dead

How will it be
to lie in the sky
without roof or door
and wind for an eye

With cloud for shift
how will I hide?

-May Swenson